Oct 20, 2023 — Tonitruous Blenny
Oh no! I’ve been shot!
In the left arm.
By a needle. Full of Covid vaccine.
At the moment I am a bit dopey and my arm hurts. Thankfully it was Pfizer. Of all of my previous vaccinations — and I’ve had a menagerie of them — Moderna hit me the hardest, causing fever, chills, and exhaustion. I hope this doesn’t get that bad, but only time will tell. It is the new formulation, so I suppose I might react differently to it.
In any case, please don’t expect this week’s update to be all that intelligible. There is no assurance that I won’t bugle hogshead blarfle quonox. Att he vry lest theer wil probly b quit a fu tipos. Sory.
What happened last past week? Rain, and lots of it. I understand that my friends back in California have been dealing with 90° (F) temperatures. That has not been the case here. We’ve been reasonably cool during the days (say 15° C, or about 59° F) and cooler at night. It doesn’t matter, though. The native Canadians still sometimes wear shorts.
But the big issue has been the rain. Three or four days of it in a row, ending only yesterday. It looks like we got about six inches (about 150 mm) of rainfall from this event, and the dogs are so done with it. Being trapped inside is not something they appreciate.
This has kept me mostly on the computer, working on the newsletter and (to some small degree) the community association website. There’s a lot more of both still to get done. But there’s always more of those to get done.
Speaking of computers…
That’s the new computer, behind the keyboard and to the left of the cordless mouse. It really is that tiny, and so far it works well. That said, I have only partially moved over to using it, The data migration is going to take quite a while, but so far it is fast and reliable.
Windows Update is still slower than I would like at times, but it is much faster than it was on my old laptop, so that’s a big win.
Maybe next week I will be using that computer full time and have cleaned off some of my desk. Or maybe not. In any case I will keep working on getting all of the software I need properly installed, and migrating my data to it.
We had a plumber here this week to check out the boiler and make sure it is ready for winter. The main thing I was worried about was the granular junk falling out of the vent. The stuff seen in this photo:
If it was falling into the combustion chamber that could have been bad, but the boiler is designed to avoid that. Had I opened it up myself I could have seen and confirmed that. Now I know.
In any case, it’s ready to go, which is good.
Is there more to report? Not that I know of. But as I say, the brain is not functioning on all cylinders at the moment.
Take care everyone, and may your underlings not flip on you when you are indicted for major crimes.