One Of Those Weeks
Hey there.
As the title says, it was one of those weeks. I was busy all the time and there is little to share. We all experience times like these, but I feel as if a short post is a way of letting you down. Sorry!
Still, two things made the cut.
First, I returned everything to the bookshelves and finished up the outlet installation in the master bedroom / headboard. It’s been a week since the paint was applied, and while it might still be slightly tacky I needed to move on.
Since that photo was taken, Anne has moved a few things around. And the haphazard arrangement of the books will drive her nuts, but there was method to my madness. I only put paperbacks above our heads. We live in earthquake country and do not need hardbacks or picture frames falling on us during a disaster. A few of the paperbacks are heavy enough to give me pause, but such is life.
In any case, for now the bedroom is done. I still need to figure out a closet door alternative — bifold doors are awful and we have two sets of them — but that is low on the priority list.
The only other shareable thing I managed to do was take the dogs for a walk.
Tinkerbelle got all the way around the block without becoming a barking, frothing mass at the sight of another dog, which is amazing. Her walks — when they happen — have to be short, both because of her reactive nature and because her back feet drag. She’d come home with bloody stumps if we went too far.
Skookie went around the same block at a leisurely pace, sniffing at just about everything. But she’s so old that’s plenty for her, and she definitely enjoys it.
Cruzer and I went farther afield.
Here we are at the top of Hill Drive. I’m told it is possible to see the mountains on Vancouver Island from here, but the haze obscured that view on this trip. Cruzer was not impressed, in any case.
Usually I would avoid including that much asphalt in a photo, but I wanted to include the dog and the horizon. Many of you like seeing and hearing about the dogs, and this is the best I could manage in the situation.
That’s all I have this week. No progress on art, though moving the books around freed up the new table in the studio. Maybe the coming week will let me adjust the height of that so I can work on it.
Or maybe not. The number of cases of Covid in BC is way up of late, and avoiding an extra trip to the hardware store seems like a good idea. I’m avoiding a few things like that for the same reason. We’ll have to see how it goes. Next week’s post will surprise us all.
Take care!