Paperwork Is Done
Hello again, everyone. Sorry this is late by my usual standards. The day got away from me. What can I say?
The big news this week is that we signed all the paperwork to buy the house. We get the keys next week and start moving in. The process has been smooth and easy so far. Covid adds trepidation to everything, of course, but we are forging ahead.
An amusing thing happened as we finished up the document signing. The notary pulled a Post-It off the folder that had held our documents, showed it to us, and said something like:
This is how we keep track of our clients. Yours says “Happy Americans moving to Canada.”
Clearly the notary and her staff thought it was funny, and we agreed. It was nice to be recognized in that way, and we had a laugh, but as we left the building I wondered aloud to Anne how many clients never find out what is written on their Post-It note. That’s an interesting question I will never know the answer to.
That’s the event that dominated the week. Everything else was mundane stuff that doesn’t merit inclusion here.
Instead, I give you two diversions. The first is a recording of Peace Train by Cat (now Yousef) Stevens. This was created recently by a large group of musicians in the Santa Cruz Mountains in California, where we used to live. I recognize a lot of faces in this video, and some of the settings as well. There was something about that locale. People got to know each other despite being far apart physically, and relationships were maintained over long periods of time. I hope we can find or create such a community in and around our new home.
And finally another video from Julie Nolke, who is amazingly good at making me exceptionally uncomfortable with humour. Here we have two Canadians (from Toronto, I think, so Torontorians? Torontans? Hmmm… need to figure that out) having a conversation after all the recent events.
Her face at the end of that video… yeah.
Everyone stay safe. Next week there may not be a post. I honestly don’t know. It depends on how the move is going. There will be a post the week after, though, and it should include some photos of the new place. Perhaps the dogs will be showing off their new territory.