Short post this week. Sorry.
I’d like to blame my most prolific proof reader who is unable to review things quickly this time around, but I can’t. And I’d like to blame Vladimir Putin, who definitely deserves all the blame we can reasonably dump on him, but not for this.
No, this time around I get to blame the fact that the community association has wound up with a huge pile of stuff on my plate for the last three weeks. Tons of website related stuff (all minor, but gobs of it) and then the newest monthly email (which went out yesterday). I’ve spent nearly all of my waking time on these things, particularly in the last few days.
Of course that doesn’t explain it all. Add in the crisis in the Ukraine (see above about V. Putin) which wants to draw me into a depression deep enough to be called an abyss. Also factor in ongoing work preparing to file our tax returns, which screws American expatriates every year. (Only Eritrea has something like the utterly stupid American system. Lookup “citizenship based taxation” if you want to learn more. It’s moronic.) But I fight the effects of those off as best I can, only to get back to work on the things I willingly volunteered to do for the community association.
In short, I am exhausted and have nothing to share. Nothing about house projects, no additional news on the windows or the contractor, no new IR photos, no art. Just hours and hours at my computer doing things I either must do, or that I volunteered to do.
That said, I do have one photo:
That’s Tinkerbelle and the toe-buster she has strategically positioned to do maximum damage to the feet of those exiting the kitchen. How she manages to stand those plastic chew toys on end… I have no clue.
Anyway, that’s it. I hope you’ve had a better week than I have.
Late Breaking News!
The public art piece I mentioned last week has found a permanent home! This one:
The local salmon hatchery has officially told the artist — Heather Paynter — that they want to give her work a place in a building they are remodelling. It will be a while before the new facility is done and the piece is up — a year or more, I think — but they’ve said they want to make it happen!
I am so happy for Heather. This is a big deal, and I hope she can use it as a stepping stone into other art work. Also, deep down inside I am really happy to have helped her bring it to life.
This is definitely the news I needed to hear this afternoon.