What A Surprise!
Someday you’ll see the title What? A Surprise? and you’ll know the windows are being installed.
Yes, that means the contractors are not here. Not this past week, not today and not on Monday. We’re delayed again. Here’s what he had to say:
Unfortunately we’re pushed out another week or two, I’m sorry to string you along like this but it’s out of my hands. Sub trade delays and scope changes are causing the issues. We are still expecting a gap in our schedule to get your project done but it hasn’t arrived yet! I’ll get in touch mid next week to see where we’re at…
I get it. Really I do. It’s just been (and continues to be) a long wait. And now we’re told that La Niña is likely to stick around for a third year. As a result the predictions for the fall and winter in BC are colder and wetter than normal. If we don’t get these windows in before the weather shifts, who knows what will happen.
At the moment though, the weather is mostly hot. It would be really nice if the new windows were installed, since they will actually open where so many of the existing ones do not.
Ah well.
In a small way the delay may be helpful. Life has been more than a bit crazy and it hasn’t yet settled down. First I went to Chicago, as previously mentioned. I was home for only two weeks before Anne left on her own trip. She was gone for something like five days and returned with her mother, who stayed with us for several days. That visit just ended. Next week Anne is scheduled into a music camp which will keep her out of the house most of the time.
If we are both home it will be much easier to keep dogs out of the way while the windows are installed. That’s the best I can find as far as silver linings go.
I have even offered — semi seriously — to let the contractor hire me to replace the helper that recently quit. I doubt that will come to pass, but it shows just how interested I am in seeing his current job get finished.
As for the rest of life, there is nothing to report.
I am working up yet another artistic thought, but I have no progress on it at this time. Eventually I will get there, but for the moment it is only an idea.
In the absence of anything else to share, here’s a photo of some flowers that Anne hates:
I think she calls this Bindweed, but my research indicates the common name is actually Hedge Bindweed. It’s a vine that wraps around and climbs all over everything. It’s an invasive plant here in BC, but it’s pretty. Apparently it is related to Morning Glory, and the family even includes the sweet potato. If you want to know more, try this link.
That photo was taken at the entry to one of our local trails. It’s not the best picture I have ever taken, but it give a sense of the way in which this plant tends to take over.
May your garden be free of nasties! Cheers!